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Info-Tech Leadership Programs are designed to help IT leaders navigate the challenging world of IT talent management. Our core Info-Tech Leadership program provides with foundational leadership frameworks to lead your teams through day-to-day challenges and strategic planning. Our Leading Through Uncertainty (LTU) program fosters cultivation of the key characteristics IT leaders will need to support teams through crisis and times of instability.

Why Attend?

  1. Attend role-specific workshops designed to help you rapidly drive value
  2. Benchmark your current strategies and initiatives with other leading companies
  3. Participate in unsurpassed formal and informal networking opportunities to share, collaborate, and exchange ideas
  4. Digest Info-Tech's industry-leading research concerning the latest trends affecting your organization

Feedback From Recent Leadership Programs

  • The Program received a 9.2/10 on Facilitator Knowledge
  • The Program received an 8.7/10 on Value of Tools
  • "One of the best workshops. Tools and resources are going to be useful going forward"
     — Jennifer Boerio, VP, CRM
  • "This has been one of the most outstanding workshops with great, different techniques"
     — Louren David, Manager Engagement & Partnerships

"In the end we retain from our studies only that which we practically apply."


In this spirit, we design all of our training programs.

Session Examples

4Cs of Leading Through Uncertainty

Incorporate the 4Cs of Leading Through Uncertainty into your leadership practice to make sense of the situation and lead others through it.

Managing Reactions to Uncertainty

Recognize and manage your own reactions to be conscious of how you are showing up and the perceptions others may have.

Define the Future

Clearly define and articulate the current and future priorities to provide direction and cultivate hope for the future.

Connecting with Employees

Built tactics to connect with your employees that will ensure employee engagement and productivity.

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