Tagged - hardware asset management

Maximize the Value of IT Across Enterprise Portfolios – Phases 1-4

Many organizations are skilled at optimizing within portfolios, not across them. Use this research to optimize digital portfolios at the enterprise level, across multiple...

Digital Portfolio Management Playbook

Assess the performance and strategic alignment of your IT resources, talent, activities and assets across multiple product and service lines. Identify opportunities to...

Digital Portfolio Management Program Executive Presentation

Communicate the results of your enterprise porfolio management program using this template executive communication deck.

Maximize the Value of IT Across Enterprise Portfolios

Many organizations are skilled at optimizing within portfolios, not across them. Use this research to optimize at the enterprise level.
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Digital Transformation and Enterprise Portfolio Management in the Canadian Public Sector

Delivering exceptional digital services is a key goal for Canadian public sector organizations at all levels of government. The dynamic pace of digital transformation...

IT Asset Management Market Overview

Read the Market Overview to understand what features and capabilities are available in ITAM tools. The right features match is key to making a data heavy and challenging...

HAM Standard Operating Procedures

This template is designed to assist you in the creation of a standard operating procedure for hardware asset management.

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures

IT policies are written, approved, signed – and forgotten for years because no one has time to maintain or enforce them. Create effective policies for Infrastructure &...
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Patient Health Information: Don’t Neglect the Importance of Secure Asset Disposal

Healthcare organizations must protect vulnerable patient data by procuring secure equipment and preventing access to patient information throughout equipment lifecycles....
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