Tagged - Business Impact Analysis

BCP-DRP Maintenance Checklist

Set a schedule for continuity plan reviews, tests, and updates. Track completed reviews.

Business Continuity Teams and Roles Tool

Track business continuity teams, roles, responsibilities, and key vendors/suppliers.

BCP Relocation Checklists

Use this tool to plan for and coordinate a business relocation to an alternate site or work-from-home.

BCP Project Roadmap Tool

Building up business continuity capabilities is a marathon; most organizations don't have the resources to mitigate all risks immediately.

BCP Pilot Results Presentation

Present initial results from your pilot BCP project and next steps for your BCP initiative.

Develop a Business Continuity Plan

Implement a structured and repeatable process, applied to one business unit at a time. Keep BCP planning efforts manageable and enable business unit leads to own their...
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Crisis Matrix Communications Templates

Use these templates to provide key communicators with collateral to present to employees during this challenging time.

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t your usual crisis – it has an indeterminate duration and a global scope. In today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)...
  • guided implementation icon

First 30 Days Pandemic Response Plan Storyboard

It’s time for leaders to leap into action. Plan the organization's response during the critical first days of the crisis.

Don’t Assume Payroll Is Your Highest BC/DR Priority

Organizations will often automatically assume that payroll is among their most critical process and first priority for recovery. However, workarounds and buffers in the...
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